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Booyaa Fishing Wear embraces any and all organization that work to preserve our environment in any way shape or form. Conservation is key, so many aspects of our natural growth are determined by how well we nurture and preserve our natural resources now and in the future. 

We have listed just one of many organizations that we feel have put together solid programs to assist and enhance natures prosperity. 

National Coalition for Marine Conservation (NCMC)

For over 25 years, the National Coalition for Marine Conservation (NCMC) has been the only national environmental organization dedicated exclusively to conserving ocean fish and their environment. The NCMC was founded in 1973 by conservation-minded fishermen and today is supported by fishermen, scientists, divers, boaters and wildlife enthusiasts -- all those who share our goal of making sure there will always be plenty of fish in the sea.

Ocean fish are wild creatures just as magnificent and fascinating as any marine or terrestrial mammal. They are an irreplaceable natural resource of enormous social and economic value, as well as major components of the ocean ecosystem. As a renewable resource, they can enhance our quality of life indefinitely, but only if used and conserved wisely.

Prevent over fishing and restore depleted fish populations to healthy levels Promote sustainable use policies that balance commercial, recreational and ecological values Modify or eliminate wasteful fishing practices Improve our understanding of fish and their role in the marine environment Preserve coastal habitat and water quality. This site can be visited at

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

We work for you, by conserving the nature of America.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency for conserving, protecting, and enhancing fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of you, the American public. We manage the 93-million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System with more than 530 individual refuges, wetlands, and special management areas - and their 100th anniversary will be in 2003. We operate 66 national fish hatcheries, 64 fishery resource offices, and 78 ecological services field stations - local offices near to you, where we work to conserve natural resources. We enforce Federal wildlife protection laws, such as the Endangered Species Act. We manage migratory birds ... restore nationally significant fisheries ... conserve wetlands ... and help foreign governments with their conservation efforts

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